About: money, mediocrity, the entropy of aging, myths of meaning, and yes … the inescapable Reaper.
Author: Brian Feutz
The Curiously Talented Artist
Caleb Forte, a college graduate desperate for work, takes a job in an art gallery run by a curiously talented artist. When a mysterious young woman uncovers a dangerous hustle, the pair find themselves inextricably trapped in a web of deceit, with only one way out.
How “Black Swan Events” Change Our Lives — for Good and Bad
Black Swan events are the direct cause of our triumphs and troubles. Here’s how to stack the odds in your favor.
Come Take a Peek Into the Minds, Lives, and Fears … of Queers
Paige, Lori, Mark, and a dozen other members of the queer community inspired me to share their poignant stories.
Pity the Peasants
FIRST PLACE: ’24 CIBA Short Fiction.
PUBLISHED: HamLit.org Literary Magazine.
Two self-described royals from Wyoming make a pact to live life to the fullest, and discover an important lesson about themselves and the people they belittle.
I Met a Beautiful Lady at the Beach. She Weighs 1,000 Pounds and Loves Sushi
A northern elephant seal came into my life and I discovered the joy of volunteering. This marvelous creature changed my life.
FINALIST: ’23 CIBA Short Fiction.
A story of love, deception, and triumph.
A Good Man
Death of an atheist. A tribute to one of the finest men who ever was.
Artificial Intelligence and the Inevitable Extinction of Humanity
Humanity is facing four possible futures, none of which end well.
The Inglorious Death of the Prostate Exam
They call it that because “shoving a big fat finger up your ass” is a terrible marketing slogan.